Article marketing is all about unique, fresh and relevant content. The search engine robots are constantly on the prowl and if your site meets their criteria, your page rank will get an immediate boost.
Consider the following tips that can assist in sourcing relevant material to put on your website or blog;
1- Use old newspaper archive sites, select pre-Internet material and download, using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) scans to create articles. Rework the articles somewhat and give a more modern perspective to it.
2- Take your laptop to the public library, or at any other information rich venue where you are allowed to sit down, or are allowed to idle. Write a good few summaries of the hottest books and trends. Do this on a regular basis and you will soon have an arsenal of information to fall back on.
3- Review the how-to guidebooks at home on your own book case, summarize each chapter. This should easily result in about 10 articles per each book that you have.
4- Collect local community papers in your area, especially those that are available offline-only. You will be pleasantly surprised at the amount of information that can be turned into great articles.
5- Collect old magazines that people are no longer needing and always throwing out. This is an overlooked source, whilst friends, family and work colleaugues will be only too eager to assist you in this regard.
The above are all no-cost and low effort means of getting source material for your articles.
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