Monday, April 25, 2011

Successful Writing - Improve on Your Sales Letter and Press Releases

Sales letters and Press releases are essential tools in marketing one’s business in today’s competitive world. There are however many professionals who do not seem to understand the importance of improving their writing skills.

Very few people realize that the written materials they send to customers can either boost or break their business. A badly written press release or sales letter can make one sound like a complete amateur, whilst in contrast, a well-written letter can prove to a client that you are the best in your field. 

Take a look at the following marketing techniques to assist in raising your profile.
1 - Take a minute to analyze your niche market. Who are these people to whom you are sending your materials? What will spark their interest? Use concise and clear words to detail your product or services, but do not treat your clients as though they cannot understand simple examples. Do not use words that are key words in your industry but not widely used elsewhere.

2 - Determine what makes your business unique to your niche market. If you are sending your press release to a business magazine or newspaper, focus on the business aspect of your services. If you are sending a press release to a magazine for women, emphasize how your product can help women. Be sure to carefully research the target market of the medium to which you submit your press release. Most editors will not waste their time with your press release if it does not have an impact on their readers.

3 - Make your materials attractive. Most people receive a lot of advertisements and “junk mail” every day and are quick to throw away these items without looking more closely at them. Make your sales letter or press release stand out from the rest by choosing attractive designs and interesting fonts. Add your company’s logo and offer a free service if you are able. Think of new ways to make even your sales envelope catch the eye of your client.

4 - Proofread your sales letter or press release before sending it to your clients.
Make sure to check for spelling errors or grammatical problems as these errors can reflect poorly on your professionalism. Allow someone else to read your material before you send it as they will have a fresh perspective and may be able to clean up your letter or release for you.

Do not fall into the trap of becoming overwhelmed by that evasive sales letter or press release. Diligently follow and apply the above tips in order to utilize these important marketing tools. As you become accustomed to sending out written materials, you will become more adept at focusing on your client’s needs. Before you realize it, you will be standing out above your competitors. Start today enhancing your writing skills so you can begin marketing with this low-cost but effective technique.


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Monday, January 31, 2011

Writing about Trends v. Fads

Writing for online publishing can be a tricky undertaking especially considering that what may be popular today may not be so in a month or two, thereby making what you wrote irrelevant.

To overcome the possibility of your words falling to the ground instead of being received by your customers’ eyes you need to determine if the subject matter is a trend or a fad.

By trend  I mean the following; the general market is making a permanent or long term move in a particular direction. An example of a trend would be the movement away from adjustable rate mortgages to fixed rate mortgages.

By fad  I mean the following; the general market or an important segment of that market is making a temporary move in a particular direction. An example of a fad would be zero percent mortgages.

If you update your web site frequently, you can and probably should cover both trends and fads in order to capture a greater amount of market share. Going with “what’s hot” effectually covers the fad market for your business, while going with whatever trends that the market is displaying keeps your business current with today’s business practices.

The Solution? Simply monitor your site’s content and periodically remove “fad” material in order to keep your site fresh and relevant.

That's all for now!

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