Saturday, January 30, 2010

Business Writing Tips

Sales Letters and press releases are essential tools in marketing one’s business in today’s professional world. However, many professionals do not seem to understand the importance of enhancing their writing skills.

Very few people realize that the written materials they send to clients can make or break their business. A badly written press release or sales letter can make one sound like an amateur to a potential client; but a crisp, well-written letter can prove to a client that you are the best in your field. You can utilize these marketing techniques if you follow a few simple rules.

1 - Take Time To Analyse Your Niche
As a marketer whether online or off line, you should first, take a minute to analyze your niche market. Who are these people to whom you are sending your materials to? What will spark their interest? Use clear and concise words to detail your product or services, but do not treat your clients as though they cannot understand simple examples. Regrain from using words that are key words in your industry, but not widely used elsewhere.

2 - What Is Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Determine what makes your business unique to your niche market. If you are sending your press release to a business magazine or newspaper, focus on the business aspect of your services. If you are sending a press release to a magazine for women, emphasize how your product can help women. Be sure to carefully research the target market of the medium to which you submit your press release. Most editors will not waste their time with your press release if it does not have an impact on their readers.

3 - Make your materials attractive.
Most people receive a lot of advertisements and “junk mail” every day and are quick to throw away these items without looking more closely at them. Make your sales letter or press release stand out from the rest by choosing attractive designs and interesting fonts. Add your company’s logo and offer a free service if you are able. Think of new ways to make even your sales envelope catch the eye of your client.

4 - Proofread Your Material Before Publication
Always proofread your sales letter or press release before sending it to your clients. Make sure to check for spelling errors or grammatical problems as these errors can reflect poorly on your professionalism. Allow someone else to read your material before you send it as they will have a fresh perspective and may be able to clean up your letter or release for you.

Do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed by the prospect of your sales letter or press release being seen as evasive. Just simply follow the above tips in order to utilize these important marketing tools. With time and experience, you will become accustomed to sending out written materials, and become more adept at focusing on your client’s needs.

Before you realize it, you will be standing out above your competitors. Start today enhancing your writing skills so you can begin marketing with this low-cost but effective technique. 

Do not even become concerned about costs as there are also other low entry additional online income streams that you can look at. For instance, the site mentioned below has an easy internet moneymaking concept that even a child can do. Take a look at;

You will not only solve some of your money problems, but also have more than enough to hire any top rated freelance writer to assist with getting your press releases and web content done in a professional manner.



Thursday, January 7, 2010

More Tips To Get Your Articles Read

Articles have to be well written in order for them to be read. Making a good article doesn’t have to be strenuous and difficult. There are however some tips to follow in order for you to succeed as an article writer . Once you get the hang of it, writing articles could be fun, as well as profitable both for you and your website.

When you write an article, it must be about something you are familiar with and one that is relevant to the overall content of your website. It helps if you are very knowledgeable about your niche as you will not have difficulty in making your articles creative and interesting. If you have any difficulty, then consider the following tips;

a) Provide a good attention-grabbing title or header.
If your title can entice a person’s curiosity you’re already halfway in getting a person to read your article. Use statements and questions that utilize keywords that people are looking for. Provide titles or headers that describe your articles content but it should also be short and concise.

When writing about dating as an example, consider titles like, “Tips on making her crave for you”, or “How to make her blush at the right moment”. You could also use titles that can command people, for example, “Make her yours in six easy Steps”. These type of titles are highly emotive and makes them feel important.

b) Keep the readers interested from the beginning to the end.
From your opening paragraph, use real life situations that can be adopted by the reader. Use good descriptions and metaphors to drive in your point, but refrain from over doing it. 
Driving your examples with graphic metaphors and similes would make it easy for them to imagine what you are talking about. The aim should be to make the reading experience pleasurable and enjoyable for them.

c) Use figures and verifiable facts where necessary.
By using specific facts and figures you elevate the importance of your article because it makes you an expert in your field. Do not try and make it excessively formal, as you might sound too technical and then loose your readers.

Articles will always be read if it makes sense and brings across at least one interesting point in a light and easy manner. As an article writer, see yourself as a friendly teacher that is having an interesting little chat with a willing and eager student.

There are quite a few internet marketers that are not comfortable with article writing, or re-writing of PLR articles, yet require quality content to put on their websites. If the above scenario applies to you then you must consider taking a look at the specialist article writing service I offer at


Let me know what you think.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Simple Tips To Get Your Articles Read

Many people dislike the idea of writing articles, with some feeling that it is  too much work, and such a waste when no one reads it. To others it iseems like even more work, especially if the article is boring and very bland. Articles are supposed to impart your message and information, but when it is not read or understood, then only does it become a waste of time and effort.

To make absolutely sure that your articles get read and enjoyed, consider these simple tips that will make them both readable and interesting.

1) Use short paragraphs
When the paragraph are very long, the words get jumbled in the mind of the reader. It can then get quite confusing and become too much of a bother and hard work to read. The reader will just quickly disregard the paragraph and move on to much easier reading articles on other websites, hat are good to look at.

Paragraphs do not have to be long and can often consist of just a single sentence, or sometimes even a single word!

2) Use Sub-headings to divide your paragraphs on the page
Doing this will break each point into sections but still all incorporated into one whole article. It would also be easy for the reader to move on from one point to another; the transition would be smooth and easy.

In this manner, you will never lose your readers attention, or the point and direction to where the article is heading to.

3) Make use of numbers or bullets
As each point is stressed out, numbers and bullets can quickly make the point easy to remember and digest. When each point is started with a bullet or number, readers will know that this is the beginning of a new idea. Make a point of formatting your bullets and numbers with indentations so that your articles won’t look like a single block of square paragraphs.

Add a little bit of flair to the shape of your articles, and people will come back to your site. Repeat visitors eventually become customers, especially if they see that your articles are consistent in format and quality.  

If you are having difficulty with article writing and you need the services of an expert article writer then click here or visit my site at;


Do not build up a dislike to article writing as there are viable and inexpensive options for you to consider.

